Steps WMS PRO Warehouse Management System Features

Steps WMS PRO Features

STEPS is a full solution to your complete operation will work far into the future! You can focus on your business, we will take care of your warehouse operations. Save time and money while improving your customer satisfaction!

Seamlessly integrable with any of your existing software and ERPs, and with additional features such as REACH compliance module and Quality Control Module, STEPS promises to provide a competitive edge to your operations.

Through comprehensive tracking of every action within the system STEPS provides complete security to safeguard your operation.

  • STEPS WMS Pro is structured parametrically and can be adapted to your specific needs easily.
  • Does Not require any set up and installation as it is a web based application.
  • Able to operate in multiple warehouses.
  • Multi Languages.
  • Works on any android device.
  • User authorization module, transaction based authorizations for users allowing for flexibility and security.
  • Replenishment, playing a vital role in supply chain management by managing fulfillment processes by notifying at critical stock levels.
  • A comprehensive Quality Control Module.
  • Separate integration module that can be adapted to any of your existing ERP or other software.

Steps WMS PRO is a Warehouse Management Software and offers the following features to benefit manufacturers, warehouse managers:


Technological Features


Meet a unique and user-friendly WMS

Steps WMS Multiple Warehouses

Multiple Warehouses

Allows for the management of operations in multiple warehouses.

Steps WMS Depo Çözümü Çoklu Dil Desteği

Multi Languages

Supports multiple languages.

Depo, Palet ve Ambalaj Otomasyonu

Storage Bin Management

Able to track items in the warehouse by pallet or package type.

Barkod Sistemi ile Depo Otomasyonu Uygulaması


All items coming into the warehouse are identified with unique barcodes. No more room for human error.

Stok Takip Uygulaması

Inventory Management

Manage stocks by type and / or category.

Üretim Planlama Uygulaması

Order Management

One module to track all warehouse orders.

Ürün ve Stok Takibi, Satınalma Uygulaması

Goods Track & Trace

Track all items coming into the warehouse.

Depolarda mal toplama ve yerleştirme sistemi

Picking, Put Away

Picking and putting away using barcode readers.

Stok Takibi ve Stok Hareketleri

Critical Stock Levels

Alerts when stocks fall below critical levels supporting supply chain management.

Ürün Bazında depo takibi

Tracking of Inventory History

All movements within the warehouse are registered with time stamps.

Depo Yönetiminde Yer Önerme Sistemi

Location Follow Up

Recommended location for items according to your preset rules.

Depo Yönetim Sisteminde Seri Lot Takibi

Lot Tracking

Track items by lot.

Depoda ürün hareketlerinin fifo, lifo, fefo kurallarına göre takibi

Fifo, Lifo, Fefo

Suggests items according to your Fifo, Lifo or Fefo rule.

Depoda Raf Takibi

Shelf Life Tracking

Alerts allow monitoring shelf life conditions.

Ürünlerin Rezerve Edilmesinin Takibi

Reserve Management

Allows to reserve specific batches for specific clients.

Görev ve Yetki Atama Yönetimi

Task Based Operations

Assign tasks to warehouse staff.

Depo Sevkiyat Takibi

Shipping Features

All shipment documents.

Depolarda İade İşlemleri


Manages all return operations with predetermined checks.

Ürün Fire Takibi


Tracks all disposals and matches them with production amounts.

Kalite Kontrol Uygulaması

QC Operations

Make sure all products leaving your warehouse are up to your highest standards.

Ürün Takip Uygulaması

Status Tracking

Assign status to your products according to your quality control inspection.

Depo Yönetiminde Raporlama Uygulaması

Reports and Lists

Track all your data with detailed reports and lists.

Depo Fiili Sayım Uygulaması

Stock Tracking Count Report

Controlled and uncontrolled inventory count.

ERP, Muhasebe ve CRM Uygulamaları ile Entegrasyon


Easily integrated with your existing ERP or other software.

Paketleme Uygulaması


Packaging and label printing with your unique branding.

KKDİK Formlarının Yönetimi

Specific Features

TR-Reach Module, Quality Control Module and special reports and lists make STEPS much more than just a warehouse management software.

Her Sektörde Kullanılabilen Depo Yönetim Uygulaması

Large Scale Operations

Able to operate in multiple warehouses.